Black Celebrities and Pastors that have Narcissistic Characteristics Part III
Black Celebrities and Pastors that have Narcissistic Characteristics Part III
In Part I and II of Black Celebrities and Pastors that have Narcissistic Characteristics we talked about those who obviously display narcissistic characteristics like: Bill Cosby, Eddie Long, and Craig Lamar Davis, Kanye West, and Don Lemon .But there are more who we believe possess narcissistic characteristics like: Oprah Winfrey, Kenya Moore, Charles Barkley, and Carlton Pearson. What's alarming about the people we just mention is that we believe these Black folks suffer from narcissism so much that we don't have to elaborate on the characteristics. Something to think about, right?
that those rioting and looting in Ferguson are “not real black people,”
but rather are “scumbags,” Barkley took a stand for the police.
Obviously not agreeing with the narrative put forth by race baiters like
Jesse Jackson that police are using young black men as target practice,
Barkley said, ““we have to be really careful with the cops, because if
it wasn’t for the cops we would be living in the Wild, Wild West in our
neighborhoods. We can’t pick out certain incidentals that don’t go our
way and act like the cops are all bad. Do you know how bad some of these
neighborhoods would be without the cops?”
Even Obama was not exempt from Barkley’s harsh criticism. In regards to ISIS, Barkley stated, “Obama needs to put some real bodies over there and start shooting those damn guys from ISIS. We can’t wait any longer, those guys are getting out of hand. We can’t just bomb them from a distance, they have to put boots on the ground, they have to go over there and shoot them. We need to put some bodies on the ground and shoot them dead.”
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Even Obama was not exempt from Barkley’s harsh criticism. In regards to ISIS, Barkley stated, “Obama needs to put some real bodies over there and start shooting those damn guys from ISIS. We can’t wait any longer, those guys are getting out of hand. We can’t just bomb them from a distance, they have to put boots on the ground, they have to go over there and shoot them. We need to put some bodies on the ground and shoot them dead.”
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Black Celebrities and Pastors that have Narcissistic Characteristics Part III
Reviewed by Unknown
10:32:00 PM

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