
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Magic Johnson Visits HBCU: Another Display Of Optimism For SC State

Magic Johnson Visits HBCU: Another Display Of Optimism For SC State

South Carolina State University, an Historical Black College has been in the news lately. Just recently, President Barack Obama visited Benedict College in Columbia, South Carolina while making positive remarks about SC State University. You can read the excitement of President Obama's visit at: President Obama Visit Displays Optimism For South Carolina State University. Now, the news is that former NBA player and entrepreneur, Magic Johnson visited the school on Thursday, March 26, 2015.

Johnson, an NBA Hall of Fame point guard who spent 13 seasons with the Los Angeles Lakers, was in Orangeburg on Thursday to talk “business.” Johnson’s appearance at the Smith-Hammond-Middleton Memorial Center was held in conjunction with the South Carolina State University’s School of Business Executive Speaker Series and was part of its 43rd Annual Business Week. Johnson, 55, gave firsthand accounts of how his “brand and career” started from when he was growing up in Lansing, Michigan, and resulted in what it is today. He said his leadership abilities emerged from his role of squelching fights among peers at the then newly integrated Everett High School.

The principal selected him as a leader among the African-American students there, asking him to urge his peers to stop fighting with white students. Likewise, the principal chose a white student leader to do the same among his peers.“I became a leader that day,” Johnson told a crowd of mostly S.C. State students, as well as professors, local elected officials and members of the public. He led the school’s basketball team to the state championship, earning the nickname “Magic” from a newspaper sportswriter. “You can do anything in life that you put your mind to, but you’ve got to believe in yourself,” Johnson said. He lived that advice.

Looks like South Carolina State University is rising above the recent attacks all while making another bold statement of optimism! Congratulations fellow loyal sons and daughters!!!


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