
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Pastor,Your Service Is No Longer Needed

Pastor,Your Service Is No Longer Needed

If there's one denomination that doesn't mind voting out a Pastor, it's definitely the Baptist Church! How many countless stories have we heard where the congregation voted out the Pastor? Yea, just like I thought, too many to recall. It's a shame that the body of Christ has gotten this way. Though we wonder why sinners often criticize and make a mockery out of the Church, because of foolishness like this! Well, below is just one of many stories where the congregation got tired of the Pastor, and now they want him completely out...
Jackson police officers were called to a church Sunday to settle a confrontation over a controversial vote to change the church's leadership. The pastor, Orlando D. Franklin, and other church leaders were ousted in a vote taken at New Galilean Missionary Baptist Church, according to reports. Arguing began after the vote between opposing factions.

Church officials said the vote was not official and the pastor and other leaders would not accept the decision. The congregation signed a petition to vacate Pastor Orlando D. Franklin to be removed from the Church immediately.

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