
Monday, March 30, 2015

Indiana's Governor, Mike Pence: A Christian's Hero

 Indiana's Governor, Mike Pence: A Christian's Hero

Is there anyone brave enough to stand up against the flourishing of the homosexuality agenda?  My gosh, we have a hero-- and his name is Mike Pence. Indiana's Governor, Mike Pence signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act which gives business owners who oppose homosexuality for religious reasons the right to turn away gay, lesbian and transgender people. The bill was signed, sealed and delivered on Thursday, March 26, 2015 which Pence hailing it as a victory for "religious liberty."

For the Christian community, this is also a victory. It sort of feels like when the infamous Bible character, Moses lead the people of Israel out of Egypt--except, we (Christians) are yet traveling to find some type of refuge of democracy against the terror of Pharaoh's army, the homosexual community. The Christian community must continue to fight. Just like the innumerable memories of African Americans combating and taking a stand to end segregation and having the right to vote; the same goes for Christians that believe in the Word of God.

The Religious Freedom Restoration Act is no act of bigotry for those of the LGBT community. It is however, the voice of God speaking against what is absolutely wrong. Matthew 22:14, "For many are called, few are chosen"--You Sir, Governor Mike Pence, was chosen as the Christian Hero in regard to this matter.

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