The PREYing Narcissist Disagrees with The MadMan Chronicles Blog
The PREYing Narcissist Disagrees with The MadMan Chronicles Blog
With the numerous allegations of rape by Bill Cosby piling up, why wouldn't anyone believe those who came forth. Even if it happened years ago. The PREYing Narcissist disagrees with The MadMan Chronicles opinion stating that he thinks Bill Cosby is a cheater not a rapist. Are you kidding me? Bill Cosby is a psychopathic narcissist! The mass media hasn't done nothing that Bill Cosby hasn't done to himself-revealed the TRUTH about Bill Cosby. Mr. MadMan Chronicles, maybe you need to reevaluate your opinion and revisit where you receive your information because your point of view is ridiculous!
While I do believe Bill ultimately is to blame for his own demise (in my book he is a cheater- not a rapist) , I still sense an underlying aggression to ruin this man by the “powers at be” that is unsettling. It has the feeling of a lynch mob.Men cheat and make themselves fodder to all forms of shenanigans.Source
That being said, no Black man in the history of Black men can rape over 15 white women and get away with it.There is always a reason when an icon is being prosecuted in the court of public opinion.
Especially when historically, they are, and has always been an advocate for Black people and our true history.
Secondly, the video you shared doesn't justified that Bill Cosby is not a rapist. The video clearly was a propaganda message amongst black people. A hidden message to put in people's mind that black children are incapable, slow to learning, destructive, and will become incapable destructive adults.
I believe Bill Cosby is guilty and needs to confess soon. Real soon.
The PREYing Narcissist Disagrees with The MadMan Chronicles Blog
Reviewed by Unknown
2:21:00 PM

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