
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Update On Woman With Elderly Father's Health & Home Crisis

 Update On Woman With Elderly Father's Health & Home Crisis

 The staff of The PREYing Narcissist would like to update our followers on the woman with elderly father's health & home crisis. We are happy to announce that we were able to donate and that Tina received other donations, but there's still more to give. Will you please help Tina get home to her beloved father. Read below what was previously written...

Everyone needs help every now and then, right? Yes, we all need help! Usually when certain individuals are in need, they allow their pride to get in the way which prohibits the work of God. Just like the scripture said in James 2:17:Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

Therefore, we applaud anyone who isn't afraid of asking for help and stepping out on faith, while believing that God will turn their situation around. With that being said, one of our faithful followers of The PREYing Narcissist Blog wrote our staff with the unfortunate news of her ailing father's health and home crisis. Please read her story below and If you can, please give. Remember: No Amount is Too Small. Please click on the gofundme link which will direct you to her page at:

Tina's Story:

Hello! My name is Tina and I need your help for my father and brother. Currently, my father has been in the hospital for a few weeks now in CA. He has been under a lot of stress due to my mentally challenged brother. I live out of the state and have not seen my father in years but I have come to realize that my father needs me NOW. Though I have tried to encourage him for years to place my brother in a facility to help him with his issues, my father has (understandably) made light of the situation because he doesn't want to kick my brother out of the house. Now, my father is in the hospital for congestive heart failure and idiopathic oedemawater (water on the leg). He can't walk without a two-man assistance and is in rehab and they are still monitoring his heart condition.

My father has told me he does not want my brother in the home anymore and will not return there until he leaves. So, this means I need to find legal means to remove my brother and get him help and I have been trying to handle some of his business along with my aunt, but I need to be in town to help get these issues handled. As a result of my father's hospitalization, the electricity has been shut off at his home and no one can tend to my brother's needs because no one is there to help him. This could become a dangerous situation for him living alone!

Recently, my father has admitted to me his home is in disarray because he is elderly but mostly because my brother can no longer care for himself or clean after himself. I'm afraid the home may be similar to a hoarding situation which would need immediate attention. My aunt has always assisted my father when needed but she has lost her grandson to a tragic incident and has to tend to her family now due which leaves me as his only daughter to stand in the gap. I desperately need to take over the responsibility of caring for my elderly father and relieve my aunt. My heart aches to be near him and help him at this time.

It is URGENT that I get to California as soon as possible to help my father to:

-Remove my brother from the home and get him into a facility.
- Clean the home professionally
-Obtain a Home Health Aid for my father to help him with physical therapy for the coming months.

I am on a very tight budget and can not even get tickets to be with my father so I need airline tickets to get there as well as the above mentioned issues. I would appreciate any and all help AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so I can help my elderly father live in a clean and comfortable home; get extensive physical therapy and place my brother in a facility.

Thank you so much for your help. God bless!!

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