The Dangers Of Being A Christian And Participating In Yoga
The Dangers Of Being A Christian And Participating In Yoga
Listen, if you're a Christian and you participate in yoga
then you need to reevaluate yourself. It's just like saying you're a Christian,
but you like to read your horoscope. Both are forms of witchcraft. You can't go
mixing satanic things with Godly things! I bet you didn't know that yoga was never designed to be an exercise. The
Bible said, “Be ye HOLY for I AM HOLY”. Yoga is not a form of holiness. Most of
all, all Christians should operate in the gift of discernment. So when certain trends
take the world by storm we don’t fall suit.
Let's get back to our discussion about yoga...
Yoga is an ancient Hindu religious practice intended to
unite a person’s soul with the impersonal, universal force Hindus call
“god”.The Hindu Sanskrit word “yoga” literally means to be yoked or joined in
union. And the goal of every Hindu yogi is to use the religious practice of
yoga to lose their personality and individuality and to become one with the
monistic-pantheistic spiritual force of Hinduism. This is done through Hatha
yoga (the physical postures), where one seeks to tap into what Hindus call the
Kundalini, a spiritual force described as a “coiled white serpent of light”
which lies at the base of the spine. Hindus believe the Kundalini can aid them
in their transcendence to impersonal spiritual monism. Thus, for the Hindu, the
physical postures of yoga are essentially keys that unlock the spiritual realm
for the purpose of losing all attachment to the physical, material world, which
they believe is an illusion. There should be no doubt about it; yoga is
completely antithetical to a biblical worldview. It is a 2,000-year-old Hindu
religious practice designed for very specific spiritual and occult purposes.
The common excuse for many Christian yoga enthusiasts is
that they’re only doing yoga for its “exercise benefits”. However, the fact of
the matter is this, God strictly forbids His people from dabbling in pagan,
occult practices; and yoga should not be viewed as an exception, even if it has
physical benefits. There are countless other ways to exercise that have nothing
to do with pagan religious practices. Others, aware of the Hindu origins of
yoga, claim that their yoga meditation is “directed towards Jesus Christ and
not the gods of Hinduism”. However, where in Scripture do we find any precedent
for co-opting pagan, occult practices and incorporating them into our worship
as believers? We find none. Rather, God has revealed to us in Scripture
everything we need to know to have a vibrant and growing relationship with Him.
If you’re a Christian who has mistakenly gotten involved in
the practice of yoga, we strongly encourage you to stop now. There is no excuse
for staying involved in a pagan religious activity created to tap into demonic
spiritual forces. The practice of yoga is contrary to our calling to honor God
with our bodies; and it runs counter to our admonition to be salt and light to
the world.
I encourage you to open yourself up to God; read and dwell in the
word and I promise you he’ll give you the desires of your heart. Yoga and Christianity
do not mix!
The Dangers Of Being A Christian And Participating In Yoga
Reviewed by Unknown
2:04:00 AM

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