
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Where Did Your GAYNESS Come From (Part II): How To Overcome Your GAYNESS

 Where Did Your GAYNESS Come From (Part II): How To Overcome Your GAYNESS

Besides the overtly bashing private comments received, we still believe the topic must be discussed. If you read the previous article: Where Did Your GAYNESS Come From (Part I) we precisely pinned pointed scenarios that might cause "homosexual behaviors" within a child who was raised by a narcissistic parent. In this article, we are discussing ways to overcome gayness by giving steps that will enhance an individual and give spiritual insight, guidance, and strength with overcoming the homosexual bondage.

Now, we are aware that most people will argue and say they were born gay and/or their gayness can't be reverse. Well, I'm here to tell you that the devil is a lie! There's no where in the Holy Bible God has ordained two men to fall in love with one another and live as a married couple. Absolutely not! No matter how much the gay community rejoice in their new found freedom; deep down inside, every gay person knows that God isn't pleased with their lifestyle. But we aren't here to condemn or judge you. No! We're here to help those who struggle with homosexual tendencies overcome the homosexual stronghold.

Steps on how to overcome the homosexual bondage:

1. Join a good Bible based church.

2. Pray and ask God for an intimate relationship with Him.

3. Read the Word daily. *Note*-Mornings are the most sacred with God.

4. Pray daily.

5.Worship Him daily. 

6. Ask God to reveal to you the origin of  your hurt and pain .

7. When God grant your request and reveals to you where your hurt comes from; pray for forgiveness, bitterness, and to be set free from that strong hold.

8. Seek a mentor. Pray and ask God to send you someone who has went through similar situations as you.

9. Seek His face daily.

10. Ask God for patience, understanding, and revelation.

11. Pray without ceasing!

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