
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Cult Leader: The Black Preacher [[WATCH VIDEO]]

The Cult Leader: The Black Preacher

Today, the Black Preacher is the most egotistical and controversial character of the times. Below is a video I believe, supports what I just stated. Throughout the video pay close attention to the following.

1. At 19:05: Sam Vaknin describes the narcissistic cult leader. In this section he also explains that people are instruments of gratifications, criticism are unheard of, discipline is maintained, and most importantly; the cult leader must have total control of a group of weak minded, unthinking, and reflecting people. The above are examples of a cult leader, which in my opinion is the perfect description of the black preacher today. Mr. Vaknin also explains that most cult leaders displays 7 out of 9 NPD traits, which I find extremely alarming.

2. At 19:51: Explains more about the cult leader. What struck me was when Rev. Bob Pardon explains that the (NPD) Narcissistic Personality Disorder are drawn to cult leadership primarily because religion is tailor made for the cult leader fantasies.

3. At 26:00: Shows someone that displays 9 out of 9 NPD traits.

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