
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Brian Carn: Stop Making Excuses On Why You're Single And Gay [[WATCH VIDEO]]

Brian Carn: Stop Making Excuses On Why You're Single And Gay [[WATCH VIDEO]]

Have y'all heard the witch of a prophet, Brian Carn's latest periscope? It was ridiculous! His topic was, 'Dating a Man Of God'. First of all, who in their right man will date this confused man? Secondly, we didn't forget you going to a psychic for your predictions, so stop trying to throw random topics at the people, Brian. You may have fooled many, but the remaining of us aren't gullible, we see right through you.

 The real issue is this...

It's possible that a married man may have said too much to Brian about his marriage, so the false prophet decided to publicly talk about the issue. It is also possible that the witch of a prophet, Brian Carn could be covering up what he's really doing behind close doors. Just stop it Brian. Please, just stop it. The real reason why you're single is because you are not attracted to women. You said so in the below video at: 22:29-22:40 . The video sounds like Brian is just lashing out on women and  making excuses why he wants to be single.

Doesn't this sounds like the tell-tale signs of the confession of a gay man? 

Watch Video Here

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