
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

God Honors Covenant Relationships

God Honors Covenant Relationships

***UPDATE*** We no longer support Brian Carn and here's why: Witch Of A Prophet, Brian Carn:Shame On You!

 Have you ever met someone and y'all instantly connected? I'm talking about a connection where the relationship lasted for ten, twenty, or maybe thirty years or more, and you both complement each other in a Godly way? Well, good news! God is still in the covenant relationship and divine connection business! There are examples in the Holy Bible where God brought two individuals together just for an assignment; for example: David and Johnathan, Paul and Silas, Naomi and Ruth and countless more!

Below is a video that perfectly explains why God honors covenant relationships. If you are in a covenant relationship; honor that person, remain loyal to that person, laud them as much as possible, and thank the Almighty!


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