
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Morning Rituals Of 3 African American Women Leaders

 Morning Rituals Of 3 African American Women Leaders

First off, can I be honest? The concept of having a put together "morning routine" is great and all but when you're hustling, grinding and you're not the boss, mornings typically aren't easy. In truth, most of us are barely making it out of the door. Nonetheless, lately there's been a lot of talk about morning routines. Let's take a looks at the morning rituals of 3 African American Women Leaders below:

Leslie Hale, CFO 7 Executive Vice President of  RLJ Lodging Trust:
6:30 -Wake up and express in prayer how thankful I am to have woken up that day because someone went to sleep that night and didn’t wake up.

6:35 - Mentally walk through my priorities for the day. (family priorities, then work)

6:45 Head down to the home gym for a workout and watch Squawk Box.

7:15 Wake the kids and give/get lots of kisses and talk to them about what they are going to do that day.

7:30 - Get dressed while continuing to watch Squawk Box.

8:15 - Head to the office and listen to local news on the radio.

8:30 - Skim the newspaper (WSJ).

8:45 - Send at least two networking notes, a follow up note or a new connection note.

9:00- Write down the priorities for the day. I have to get all the mental notes that have been piling up in my mind since I woke up on paper before I forget.

9:30 -Start working on that list.

 Isa Adney, Author & TV Host:

5:05 am - Make tea (loose leaf, earl grey) and prep breakfast (lately it's been a sunny-side up egg over kale sauteed with garlic and olive oil). I love brewing my tea in a teapot and drinking from a teacup. It's special to me and the ritual of it gets me going. 

5:15 am - Eat breakfast while reading something inspirational (I'm always reading 3-6 books at any time and love choosing whatever I'm in the mood for that morning) 

5:35 am - Read my goals and journal 

5:45 am - Drive to the gym with my husband 

6 am - Workout at the gym 

7 am - Shower/get ready for the day 

8 am - Look at this document I created with my priorities and review my goals for that particular month 

8:10 am - Choose the one most important thing I'd like to accomplish that day and enter it into Asana (to-do list program I use) 

8:15 am - Look at my Google Calendar to assess any calls/meetings I might have that day and then build a "today" list in Asana where I'll list the basic things that will lead my day, starting with that most important "one thing" 

8:30 am - Time to get to work, focusing on that list I created, altering as I go, but using the list (which is created based on my goals) to keep my mind focused and my output proactive instead of reactive

 Anuli Akanegbu, Enrichment Assistant Account Executive for Edelman: 

5:30 am - It feels good to start the day with prayer and meditation, so I can get my mind right for the day ahead. 
5:45 am - Reading is a must for me. This is when I browse through my Feedly or read a bit of a book. I usually have a Songza station playing or one of my Spotify playlists going. 

6:30 am - Either I'm still reading, or I take time to do a little strength training. I tried running in the mornings for a while which was great because I live by the beach, but in all honesty running isn't my thing. Every once in a while I might run to catch the bus, but that's it. I've since gone back to strength training. But, if we're keeping it 100 percent, most days I'm probably super absorbed in what I'm reading, so I'm still reading (perhaps even writing) at this time. 

7:00 am - Get ready for work, pack lunch, eat breakfast.

Sometime between 7:45 am - 8:00 am - Leaving for work and praying that my bus will come at a decent time. Spoiler: It won't.

Which morning ritual do you prefer?


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