
Monday, May 4, 2015

5 Reasons Why Jamal Bryant Is Winning The African American People

 5 Reasons Why Jamal Bryant Is Winning The African American People

 What can we say about Pastor Jamal Bryant? Well, he's definitely been in the public eye enormously--in a good way of course. I believe we can all say that Jamal Bryant just might be the next important civil rights leader. Unlike Al Sharpton--that's another article which will be impossible for us to interpret in its entirety.

Read below on recent statements that the honorable Pastor Jamal Bryant had to say on the current riots: “Look at somebody who is 17. Since you were 14, you’ve had George Zimmerman walk. At 15, 16, had Eric Garner and Tamir Rice. This generation of millennials have not seen a justice victory. They’re not sure whether victory will be served,” Bryant said, adding, “They’ve only seen a black president, but all they’ve seen is white justice.”

Reasons Why Jamal Bryant is Winning The African American People:

1. He's relevant. He relates to the people in a charismatic way. For someone who didn't graduate from High School, but later received his G.E.D, he certainly can relate to the broken community of African American youth.

2. He's passionate.When Jamal Bryant speaks, you hear the voice of a concern leader that wants to demise the ugly head of racism.

3. He's intellectual. Pastor Jamal Bryant is not only a leader, but he's also smart. There aren't too many African American civil right leaders that are intelligent. For now, Jamal Bryant is an exceptional leader.

4. He's opinionated. Yes, he's opinionated, but he can backup what comes out of his mouth. He speaks with wisdom.

5. The people supports him. The African American community loves Jamal Bryant, because he positions himself as one of us, and because of that we are happy.

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