
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Why Fox Tv Show 'Empire' Jussie Smollett Coming Out Doesn't Matter

 Why Fox TV Show 'Empire' Jussie Smollett Coming Out Doesn't Matter

I'm sure you heard the news---Fox TV Show 'Empire' Jussie Smollett recently confessed to be gay. I think I can speak for the entire world that---we knew this already Jussie! Anyway, if you're anything like me, who cares if he's gay or not. Let's be real. The world has so much going on than to worry about some actor confessing his sexuality. Just think about it. There's millions of relentless unapologetic and unsolved crimes concerning the Black man that goes on every single day, but we rather focus our attention on what's least important--a person's sexuality! Ugh---c'mon people we got to do better! What should draw our attention is the following:

1. The recent attacks on HBCU's (Historical Black Colleges--just in case you didn't know the meaning of HBCU). For example: Research the unsettling news about South Carolina State University and the potential closing of the University.

2. Recently and innocent killings of the Black Man. For example: Anthony Hill, a 27-year-old Black man, and Air Force veteran was killed by police in Georgia on March 10, 2015.

3. The unjust crimes of Trayvon Martin, Micheal Brown, Eric Garner---just to name a few.

There's countless of examples we can mention, but you get my drift. If we had to choose--Jussie Smollett "coming out" is irrelevant versus the mortality rate of the Black man.

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