
Sunday, March 8, 2015

Black Women Beware: The Word 'Diva' Means 'Demon' (Find Out Here)

 Black Women Beware: The Word 'Diva' Means 'Demon' (Find Out Here)

Women, you have to be careful what description you give yourselves and know that every trendy thing isn't always good. For example--Did you know that the word 'diva' doesn't actually means a woman who behaves as a goddess or queen? No ma'am--the word 'diva'(which is actually pronounced as 'deva') means demon! Deva are spirits that are mainly used in witchcraft, the occult and means one of an order of evil spirits.

Don't believe me? Well, why don't you research the word 'deva' and find out for yourself--Then you be the judge. Will you continue to describe yourself as an 'diva' afterwards?


  1. I'm sorry but this is one of the meany displays of ignorance that runs rampant among our people, specially church folk.... If you simply just do your research of the word it means goddess, light, divine and even god. But mix female with anything good in the christian church and this crap is what you get.... Bravo way to confirm our once simply perceived ignorance...

    1. You just fell for Satans trap. Thats what he told Adam and Eve that God new that if they aye the fruit they would be like gods knowing both good and evil. He misled them with a play on words. Ee perish because of lack of knowlage. There is nothing new under the sun and if you down play these words like diva to people you are misslesding prople the same way the serpent did and you will be the one spreading ignorance causing people to fall. These things were warned to us by God. The pride of life, the lust of the eye and the lust of the flesh. I think Diva fits more than one of those.

    2. You just fell for Satans trap. Thats what he told Adam and Eve that God new that if they aye the fruit they would be like gods knowing both good and evil. He misled them with a play on words. Ee perish because of lack of knowlage. There is nothing new under the sun and if you down play these words like diva to people you are misslesding prople the same way the serpent did and you will be the one spreading ignorance causing people to fall. These things were warned to us by God. The pride of life, the lust of the eye and the lust of the flesh. I think Diva fits more than one of those.

  2. Mmmm explains Beyonces song Diva(Demon!)
