
Monday, February 9, 2015

Michele Roberts: "Women Don't Have To Be Tough Or Brutish To Be Effective"

Michele Roberts: "Women Don't Have To Be Tough Or Brutish To Be Effective"

 "My past is littered with the bones of men who were foolish enough to think I was someone they could sleep on". These are the words of the newly elected Executive Director of the NBA Player Association, Michele Roberts.Roberts is the first woman leader of a major USA sports union and definitely someone that African American women should look up to.

Somehow, Michele Roberts knows a thing or two about what it means to be a woman of color in today's horrific society. Just think about it. Can you imagine yourself  as a African American woman working in a male dominated field where there's a rich history of racism, unfair wages amongst players, gender bias, domestic violence, etc? Well, Michele Roberts is that lady! She's the boss or shall I say-"The Bosslady". She's also a Trial Lawyer. She represents the players as laborers, and not as money.

 The taboo of African American women is that we have horrible attitudes, disrespectful, loud and brutish. But Roberts said something very profound that demise the existence of this taboo on her interview with MSNBC, Melissa Harris: "Women don't have to be tough or brutish to be effective". Strong words coming from a exceptional strong Black woman.
Check out Michele Roberts interview with MSNBC-Melissa Harris below:

Watch Video Here

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