
Monday, February 2, 2015

Black Churches: Are You Giving Black People False Hope?

 Black Churches: Are You Giving Black People False Hope?

If you haven't yet, I encourage you to watch the video below where Dr. Umar Johnson explains, that it's the Black Church that's giving away Black church folks " Jesus money" to white banks, etc. Okay-I know what you are thinking. Dr. Umar Johnson practice the Muslim religion, so therefore everything concerning the "White Man" is considered devious or evil. So, in the video Dr. Umar Johnson voice his opinion that, when Black people put their hard working money in the church basket, only thing Black people get out of that is a "hope and a future". Now, don't get mad at the messenger-I'm just repeating what Dr. Umar Johnson said.

But wait, there's more.....

Dr. Umar Johnson also said that, if he has to die to experience heaven, then he don't need that religion. He also said that Black people are content with accepting hell on earth, when the White, Asians, and Arab's have their "heaven" here. But then he says, every Black Church has their money in a White bank. And the White bank give loans to the White Man to build and destroy the Black community; and in turn, put the same Black people on the streets.

Now, partially of what Dr. Umar Johnson is saying is truth. However, I must digress. I have a problem when Dr. Johnson said that, if he has to die to experience heaven, then he don't need that religion. While you may feel this way about Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Dr. Johnson, please stop trying to convince and turn others to your philosophy and the Muslim FaithIt's not that the Black Church is giving Black people false hope, but that God made us a promise. And the promise is: Matthew 6:19-21 19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Sometimes these well-known Black community people have to be careful what they say. Doesn't Dr. Umar Johnson realizes that the same "White religion" and the "White Jesus" that he crucifies often, is the same Savior that gives him breath every time he opens his mouth to persecute Him?

Just something to think about. What's your thoughts on the video below?

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