
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

My Story: My Father The Enabler

My Story: My Father The Enabler

What girl you know doesn't love her father? I am my father's first child and I love him very much. My father loves me and he shows it constantly. But my father struggles with something. You see-my father is my narcissistic mother primary source of narcissistic supply. Don't quite understand what I'm saying?

My Apostolic narcissistic abusive mother uses my father in her 'gas-lighting' tactics on his own children. My father would rarely confront my mother on things. In fact, he didn't know much about the years of abuse that we suffered from our mother. The only thing he agreed on was that my mother should have been loving and nurturing while we were children. Isn't it something for a husband to tell the wife that she should've been more of a loving and nurturing mother to their children?

For years, unknowingly my father was the enabler because he couldn't see beyond my manipulative mother. Soon, very soon his eyes would begin to open and many things would be reveal to him.

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