
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Does The Black Church Keep Women Single And Hopeless?

 Does The Black Church Keep Women Single And Hopeless?

First off, we already know what you are thinking. According to the Holy Bible in Proverbs 18:22 it says: Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord. Now, that's Bible. No where shape or form are we suggesting women to go out and find herself a husband. But the question that we are opposing is this: Is it better for a woman to wait for her future husband inside or outside the church? Like other articles we have written about the black church, we stated that the black church is the most hypocritical place ever. We also wrote that the black church is full of pastors who are sexual predators, but what about the single women in the church who desires to be marry. Does she pray and ask God to send her a husband in the church? 

Did you know that the Black woman (especially in the south) are the most religious people on the face of the earth? Did you also know that the black woman are the ones who are the easiest to be manipulative? The staff at The PREYing Narcissist believes that black women shouldn't just fix her mind on finding her husband in the church. We believe that the black woman should be open-minded and allow love to find her rather it be inside or outside the church.

Check out the video below. Do you agree or disagree with the video below?


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