
Friday, December 5, 2014

The Black Church: It's All in the Title

The Black Church: It's All in the Title

In the “Black Church” it is imperative that you have a title and/or a position. Let the church say ‘Amen’ and let’s all go home- because I just revealed the truth. That’s right, if you don’t carry a title that resembles: Bishop, Elder, Minister, First Lady, Deacon, Arm Bearer, Mother of the Church, etc- you are not important. The black church is a cult that justifies materialism and titles. The Black Church use titles and positions to please people, to make connections and gain approval amongst other affiliations and the community. There are individuals who worship these false preachers, mother's, elders, and bishops because of their position. What many people fail to realize is that whenever you worship another human being you are committing what is called “Idolatry”. Why in the world will I worship or even look up to a “pimp of a preacher” that is married, but sleeps with every single female member in his congregation. 

Why in the world will I respect and honor anyone just because they carry Bishop or Elder in front of their name and call themselves a preacher-and if I don't honor their 'man-made rules' then I will be reprimanded. No ma’am no sir, I don’t give a hoot about your title or position, how big or small your congregation is, and how known you are in the community. If I don’t acknowledge you as Bishop, Elder, Minister, or First Lady so freaking what! You wasn’t nothing before you had that title and you certainly ain't nothing afterwards. The Black Church is screwed up and is one of the most corrupt platforms that abuses innocent people.

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